Rules of use of the Piast Castle – the seat of the Artistic and Cultural Center “Castle” in Krosno Odrzanskie.

07 June 2020

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules for the use of the Piast Castle facility by tourists and other persons – the seat of the Artistic and Cultural Center “Castle” in Krosno Odrzanskie, effective from June 6, 2020:

Rules of use by tourists and other persons of the object of the Piast Castle – the seat of the Artistic and Cultural Center “Castle” in Krosno Odrzanskie, effective from June 6, 2020:

  1. Everyone entering the Artistic and Cultural Center “Castle” in Krosno Odrzanskie is obliged to cover their mouth and nose – in accordance with national regulations (with exceptions provided for in the above-mentioned regulations) and is obliged to disinfect their hands at the station prepared for this purpose.
  2. The above conduct is obligatory for all visitors, including: tourists and visitors to the Artistic and Cultural Center “Castle” in Krosno Odrzanskie.


  1. There is a fee for visiting the Piast Castle (detailed regulations are posted in a public place and on the website – please read them).
  2. Tours are only with a guide, during the hours:
  • 11 am to 6 pm (Tuesday-Friday) 
  • from 12.00 to 18.00 (Saturday-Sunday)    
  • with each time the last entrance of visitors is at 5 pm.

Entry of visitors only at full clock hours

For organized groups, please call in advance:

Secretariat, tel. 884 008 338

Tourist Information Point, tel. 570 130 136

The size of the visiting group is a maximum of 15 people.


regular ticket: 10 zlotys

concession ticket: 5 PLN

*gives to schoolchildren and students, pensioners and disabled persons

family ticket: PLN 20

*is for a family consisting of one or two adults and children from 7 to 16 years of age

discounted ticket for organized groups: PLN 4 (children, young people, pensioners, disabled people)

discounted ticket for organized groups: PLN 8 (adults)

*groups of more than 15 people are welcome

Children under 7 years of age have free admission.
