LOTUR Annual General Meeting for 2019

16 September 2020

The Board of Directors of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization, chaired by Jadwiga Błoch, received a unanimous vote of approval for 2019. Members of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” gathered in the beautiful Palace in Mierzęcin . Guests were welcomed and the meeting was opened by Jadwiga Błoch, President of the Board. Director Tomasz Schulz, as the host of the facility, also welcomed guests and presented the facility’s offer. Karolina Galazka was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. The minutes of the meeting were kept by Joanna Majorczyk. Jadwiga Błoch reminded the meeting that the reports had been sent to all members by mail by the statutory deadline. The chairwoman of the meeting, read the agenda sent earlier to all members. The meeting had no comments on the agenda. The agenda was adopted unanimously. The election of the Committee on Resolutions and Motions and the Scrutiny Committee proceeded. Unanimously adopted the composition of the Commission in the following persons: Danuta Cierpisz , Krzysztof Chmielnik and Kinga Konarska . The Assembled were acquainted with the report on the work of the Board in 2019, which was presented in the form of a multimedia presentation by President Jadwiga Błoch. The Chairwoman of the Meeting then proposed to present the report of the Audit Committee, giving the floor to the Chairwoman of the Committee, Ms. Joanna Majorczyk. After discussion, voting on the Resolutions proceeded. All Resolutions were adopted unanimously. LOTUR members also made a change in the composition of the Review Committee due to the resignation of Ms. Małgorzata Hajdas-Grzesik from work in this Committee. Mr. Pawel Czepułkowicz from Lubrza was elected to work in the Commission. After discussion and discussion of miscellaneous matters , the meeting participants toured the facility in Mierzęcin. On behalf of the members of LOTUR we would like to once again thank the hosts of the facility for their kind hospitality, wonderful atmosphere and delicious dishes served by Chef Pawel Salamon.

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