XIX Rally of Citizens of the Bird Republic

06 October 2020

The Rally program will include: 1. guided tour on October 10 this year. Gathering at 9:00 am at the Pump Station in Słońsk. The number of participants in the tour will be limited to 20 people, please send applications by email tps@tps-unitisviribus.org.pl or via FB. 2. tree planting in the Bird Republic on Saturday afternoon and/or Sunday morning. We ask willing people to apply and specify the date (Saturday or Sunday). 3. presentations of films made especially for the Rally: Starting October 10, 2 pm on YouTube: • Woodpecker “Ant-eater” and its cousins – Natalia Duer from the Nature Initiatives Hollow Foundation • “Birds enchanted in frames”- Piotr Górny From October 17, 2 pm. 00 on YouTube • “Śmieciowisko, czyli jak śmieci spoil nature, landscape and health”- Stanisław Łubieński – Dzika Ochota Blog • “Birds and bats in buildings – protected and endangered?”- Dorota Zielińska from the Stołeczne Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków from Warsaw In addition, we anticipate contests with prizes related to the above-mentioned films. Prizes include calendars with photos by Piotr Górny, books Once upon a time in Sonnenburg and Warta Muds and rally gadgets.