10.10. Excursion of the Peculiarities of the Lubuskie Land

07 October 2020

PERSONALITIES OF THE LUBUSKY LAND 10.10.2020. TRZEBIECHÓW, KLENICA, KARGOWA, CHWALIM Price 90,- PLN/85,- PLN PTTK members Includes: bus ride, NNW insurance, guide , entrance fees. The program includes a visit to a handicraft workshop , a walk with the writer Zofia Mąkosa along the paths of her novel, a visit to the church in Klenica . Detailed information and registration: BORT PTTK Zielona Góra, 17 Kupiecka Street tel. 68 327 03 23 or 791 417 317 omzgora.pttk.pl