The validity of the existing tourist information certification has been extended until April 30, 2021

03 March 2021

We would like to kindly inform you that the Polish Tourist Organization extends the validity of the hitherto valid tourist information certification within the framework of the Polish Tourist Information System granted by the Regional Certification Commissions and the National Certification Commission until 30.04.2021, as a result of the existing COVID-19 virus pandemic in Poland and the related rigors making it difficult to conduct inspections to evaluate the criteria for certification of tourist information centers and points by the commissions. In order to equalize the deadlines for certification of tourist information under the Polish System of Tourist Information ( PSIT), the next implementation of the process of cetification of tourist information points in the formula of online application will take place in April 2021. We would like to inform you that the regulations and criteria for the new certification of tourist information are available at the following link: In LUBUSKY we have only 5 Certified Tourist Information according to PSIT, so we encourage other tourist information to participate in the process of IT certification….
