Online hiking and cycling tourism fair. 23-24.04.2021

15 March 2021

This year’s Fiets en Wandelbeurs hiking and cycling fair will be held in the online sphere. We would like to present to you a proposal for participation in this virtual edition of the fair bearing the name Fiets en Wandelbeurs Online Experience 2021. Due to the epidemiological situation, the organization of this fair in the usual formula had been in question for a long time. As a result, the Foreign Center of the Polish Tourist Organization in Amsterdam was not able to report participation in the fair. Instead, an amount was reserved for online activities – the so-called media package, including promotion aimed at the audience customarily visiting the Fiets en Wandelbeurs fair (articles, newsletters, social media). When the organizers decided to organize the fair virtually, the funds secured for the package were allocated for participation in the fair. The planned date of the fair is April 23-24, 2021.

Event concept: The virtual fair will replace the Fiets en Wandelbeurs fair held annually in February in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Ghent, Belgium. The decision of the organizers of Fiets enWandelbeurs was preceded by an opinion poll, which showed that such a formula would work well with the group of people who have visited the fairs so far.  According to the organizers, the Fiets en Wandelbeurs Online Experience offers visitors plenty of opportunities to find inspiration for trips related to biking and hiking. The interaction between exhibitors and consumers that is so important at the show is possible. For example, exhibitors can make real-time (or chat) video calls and chat with visitors to their booth online. And just like at a real trade show, brochures and promotional videos can be presented, and the program also includes lectures and workshops. 

Participation in the fair for sub-exhibitors of the Polish National Stand:  

1.We invite willing regions with an appropriate hiking and bicycle tourism offer aimed at foreign tourists to appear together with us at the Polish booth.  We offer you free participation in the booth as part of the deluxe package we have purchased (participation in the fair + promotional package in online media).  

By choosing this option, each region will be able to participate in the Polish Stand, under the banner of the Polish Tourist Organization. Representatives of the region (1-2 people) will “operate” the stand – that is, take turns being on duty online and answering questions from “visitors”. Contact with visitors is made via chat or video chat. The region can also present pdf brochures in English (it is advisable to have such materials for visitors).  

This option does not include displaying the region’s logo or other signage on the main page and plan of the fair (on the website where visitors enter before heading to the selected destinations).  

Instead, information about the sub-exhibitors and the products/attractions they promote will be included in the materials covered by the online promotional activities package (package details below)   

2 Please be advised that it is also possible to purchase one of the packages offered by the organizers.  They provide the opportunity to present the logo of the region/entity, whether on a separate stand or as part of the Polish stand (logo, exhibitor name on the stand plan). Application will be made by the entity directly with the organizer. A detailed description of the packages with prices is provided below. 

– In this case, please inform us and contact us by email.  

Additional idea – Presentation of the region 

The selected exhibitor of the Polish booth will be able to prepare a presentation (video material recorded in advance), which will be shown as part of a series of presentations (special “room” for presentations, the audience will be able to ask questions after each presentation). The presentation is to be 30 minutes long and must meet the technical (video) requirements specified by the organizers.  

– If you are interested in this form of promotion also, please contact us by email. 

Criteria for participation of sub-exhibitors of the Polish National Stand at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs virtual fair:  

We have space for up to 7 exhibitors. Participation is determined by meeting the criteria we list below. In case more entities meet the criteria, participation will be determined by the order of application.  

We are waiting for applications until April 7, 2021.


Product offer aimed at foreign tourists in the field of active tourism – hiking and bicycle routes; 

Website in English with information (route descriptions, maps) on active hiking and/or cycling tourism;  

PDF or online materials – brochures, maps in English on biking or hiking tourism, in formats that allow for downloading; 

Promotional materials (videos, photo base, product descriptions in Polish) needed for promotional activities presenting exhibitors (articles,newsletter,etc.). 

Practical information:  

The fair is held on Friday and Saturday (23-24.04.2021) from 10.00 to 16.00  

On the first day of the fair, a meeting for exhibitors is scheduled at 16:00 (happy hour)  

Note: The organizers of the event are very attentive to the fact that, despite the fact that the fair is held online, the representatives of the entities declared at the booths should perform their duties at the appointed time.  

Submission date: We are waiting for applications until 7.04.2021.  

All packages with their contents are described in detail at the link: packages ( 

More about the event: fiets en Wandelbeurs online ( 

Trade show brochure in English: brochure_fwb_online_experience_EN-LR.pdf ( 

 Additional information – Paid packages proposed by the organizers (information for regions that would like to be provided with visualization on the main page of the fair):  

Basic package – net price 545 euros – gross 659, 45 + administration fee of 30,25 euros gross; this package includes: 

Basic stand 

Videochat function 

Posting of an advertorial on (a platform for people looking for deals in the field of active tourism)  

2 passes for those invited by the exhibitor  

The package can be extended with additional options  

Premium package – net price 1070 euros – gross 1294,70 + administration fee of 30,25 euros gross; this package includes : 

Medium stand 

Videochat function 

Placement of an advertorial on the website 

Analysis of visits to the stand 

Posts on social media 

Article in newsletter to consumers  

5 passes for those invited by the exhibitor  

The package can be extended with additional options

Deluxe package – net price 2495 euros – gross 3018,95 + administration fee of 30,25 euros gross; this package includes: 

Large stand 

Videochat function 

Sponsored table in the cafe for visitors (additional opportunity for promotion, organization of contests , conversations with visitors) 

8 passes for those invited by the exhibitor  

Organization of a reading or workshop 

Analysis of visitors on the stand 

Posts on social media Fiets en Wandelbeurs 

Article in newsletter to consumers (16,500 addresses)

Sponsored article on the website  

Article on the blog (homepgae) of the fair organizers  

You are cordially invited to participate in the fair.

Regions that choose not to participate can provide us with materials on cycling and hiking tourism to download in pdf (English version), we will present them at our booth. This will be a great support for us and an opportunity to present an interesting offer.
