Registration for nationwide competitions for Rural Housewives’ Circles has begun.

08 April 2021

Fifteen thousand zlotys – this is the amount of the main prizes in the nationwide competitions prepared during the unique holiday – the Festival of Rural Housewives’ Circles “Poland From the Kitchen”. Each Circle of Rural Housewives can take part in any number of competitions. The Festival of Circles of Rural Housewives “Poland From the Kitchen” is a nationwide, unique event, prepared to emphasize how important it is to nurture local culture and tradition. The festival aims to integrate, activate and support local communities, promote Polish products and culinary heritage, as well as exchange intergenerational knowledge, skills and pass on traditions to younger generations. In order to highlight the role of Rural Housewives’ Circles in promoting the richness and diversity of local traditions and to deepen knowledge of the region’s culture, four competitions involving Circles from all over Poland have been prepared. A pinch of spice will be added to the competitions by valuable prizes that Circles can win at each stage of the competition. Applications for the competitions can be sent until April 20, 2021.

Miss Charm election
During this contest, the most beautiful female KGW activists are chosen, but it is not just about
about physical beauty. Candidates vying for the title of Miss Charm will also have to steal the hearts of the judges with their charm, personality, range of activities and presented skills.
The contest will be held in two age categories: Miss under 45 and Miss 45+.

Culinary Competition
During the Competition, the Rural Housewives’ Circles will take part in a unique culinary competition – the
their task is to prepare a traditional regional dish or a modern variation on its theme.

Artistic Competition
is a category for ladies who, as part of the Rural Housewives’ Circles, showcase their exceptional skills. Talent can be anything you perceive it to be: singing, dancing, painting, embroidering, clay-pasting or creating beautiful regional symbols, cut-outs, etc.

Housewife and Exceptional Woman – tell your story
The purpose of the competition is to promote and support the active activities of Rural Housewives’ Circles for the benefit of local communities. It is a space where each Circle can present its successes, achievements and activities undertaken for the benefit of local communities and the cultivation of traditions.

Application forms for the competitions can be found at:

The competitions will be held in 3 stages:

Stage I of the Contests – Preliminary Eliminations.
From among the submitted applications, the Contest Committees, on the basis of the criteria specified in the
in the Contest Regulations, will select a total of about 105 of the most inspiring Circles from all contest categories, from each province, which will proceed to the next stage.

Stage II of the Competition – Provincial Semifinals.
The semi-finals of the Competition will take place during the local edition of the Festival of Circles of Rural Housewives “Poland From the Kitchen”. The Festival will visit each province to serve participants a free event spiced with the wonderful atmosphere of local communities and regional culture and traditions.
During the Provincial Semifinals of the competitions, the Circles selected at an earlier stage will be able to present the dishes entered in the competitions, talents and candidates for Miss Charm live and talk about the scope of their activities.
Two Circles from each contest category will advance to the Finals.
Already at this stage, unforgettable emotions will await the participants, and valuable prizes for the winners.

The main prize for the winners of the Semifinals in each category is PLN 3,000.

Stage III of the Competition – Final.
The Final of the Festival will take place on September 25, 2021 at the PGE National in Warsaw.
During the last of the Festival’s editions, the contests will be settled and the Grand Prize Winners will be selected, which will be presented to the Winners during a gala event.
At the end of the Festival, the participants will be invited to the “Dancing PGE Narodowy” concert.

The main prizes to be won in the Finale are as much as PLN 15,000.

The Festival has received the Honorary Patronage of Marshals and Governors, and each edition will be broadcast live on the program “Question on Breakfast” on TVP 2.
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