The Board of the Lubusian Tourist Organization LOTUR
Annual General Meeting
of LOTUR Members
Place: Town Hall , room 11
Zielona Góra, Stary Rynek 1
First date of the General Meeting : 30 .05.2007, 12.00 pm
Second date of the General Meeting: 30.05.2007, 12.30 p.m.
Proposed agenda of the General Meeting of Members of the Lubuska Tourist Organization:
1.Opening of the Meeting
Przewodniczący Zarządu LOTUR – Pan Andrzej Bocheński
1. speech by invited guests
2. election of the Chairman of the Meeting
3. adoption of the agenda
4. election of committees:
1. motions and resolutions
5. presentation of the report on the activities of the Board of Directors of LOTUR
6 Discussion
7 Confirmation of the validity of the convocation of the General Meeting of Members of LOTUR
8 Presentation of the Chairman of the Audit Committee of LOTUR
9. discussion
10. adoption of Resolutions:
1. acceptance of the report on LOTUR activities for 2006
2. approval of the financial statement of LOTUR for the year 2006
3. granting a vote of approval to the LOTUR Board for the year 2006
4. adoption of the LOTUR work plan for 2007
12.Free motions
13.Report of the Committee on Motions and Resolutions
14.Closing of the meeting
For the Board
Chairman of the Lubusian Tourist Organization