Jadwiga Błoch again President of Lubuska Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR”

09 December 2014

On December 8, 2014, the General Meeting of Members of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” was held at the Manor House in Kolesin, during which, after the presentation of the report on the activities of the Board of Directors in 2011-2014 by Jadwiga Błoch and the report of the Audit Committee by Zbigniew Włodarczak. The General Meeting approved the reports of the outgoing authorities , and then proceeded to the election of new authorities. The outgoing Board of Directors was once again granted great confidence and was almost unanimously elected for the new term. We invite you to familiarize yourself with detailed information on the Report and Election Meeting of Members of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization. We wish the new, Board of Directors good luck and continuation of further fruitful work!

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