26.04.2010 General Meeting of Members of LOTUR granted discharge to the Board of Directors

26 April 2010

The General Meeting of Members of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” was held on April 26. The meeting began on the second date, with a quorum required for the validity of the resolutions adopted. The attendees were welcomed and thanked for coming by the President of the Board – Ms. Jadwiga Błoch. As Chairman of the Meeting was unanimously elected Mr. Bruno Alexander Kieć

The Chairman of the Meeting presented the agenda, which was adopted unanimously.

The agenda:

1. opening of the Meeting – President of the Management Board of “LOTUR”. – Mrs. Jadwiga BŁOCH

2. presentation of invited guests

3. election of the Chairman of the Meeting

4. adoption of the agenda

5. election of committees:
         1). Motions and Resolutions , Scrutiny

6.Report of the LOTUR authorities:

– LOTUR Board of Directors

– LOTUR Audit Committee

7.Discussion and adoption of resolutions on:

– on adoption and approval of the balance sheet and profit and loss account of LOTUR activities for 2009

– on accepting and approving the report of the Audit Committee on the activities of LOTUR for the year 2009

– on granting discharge to the LOTUR Board of Directors for the performance of its duties in 2009,

– on adopting and approving the LOTUR activity plan for 2010

– On adopting the amount of LOTUR membership fees for 2010,
10. free motions

11. report of the Committee on Motions and Resolutions

12. closing of the meeting

By a majority of votes, the committee of Motions and Resolutions was elected, consisting of Ms. Joanna Majorczyk, Mr. Tomasz Biel ( one abstention by Mr. Biel).

Mr. Dariusz Jarocinski and Ms. Beata Mousialowka were elected to the scrutiny committee.

Minutes: Anna Dopierała

The presence of 25 representatives of the members was established, which means that the meeting is valid.

Then the summary of LOTUR’s activities was made by the President of the Board, Mrs. Jadwig Błoch, who presented a report on LOTUR’s activities in 2009.

Ms. Joanna Majorczyk informed members about the Newsletter issued in2009 and the importance of sending information to our office.

On the other hand, Mr. Zbigniew Wlodarczak, chairman of the Audit Committee, presented the protocol of the Audit Committee on the control of financial documents, at the same time submitting a motion to grant the Association’s Board of Directors a vote of approval for 2009.

The next stage of the Meeting was the presentation of the project carried out by the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization, which is a training course entitled. “Profession of Tourist Informer”, the presentation of which was made by assistant project coordinator Anna Dopierała.

The president also informed about the applications that had been written and submitted to competitions in the Zielona Gora City Hall and the Marshal’s Office, unfortunately they did not gain approval of these offices, while the application submitted to the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, was evaluated very highly, gaining money for the implementation of the project: Lubuskie Nordic Walking Trails on the Zielona Gora Embankment, Muskau Arc and the Sacred Triangle, which is certainly a success.

After a brief discussion, voting on the resolutions proceeded

  1. Resolution No. 1/2010 dated 26.04.2010.
    On the adoption of the financial report for 2009
    – The resolution was adopted unanimously-
  1. Resolution No. 2/2010 dated 26.04.2010.
    concerning acceptance of the report on activity of the Board of Directors of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” for the year 2009
    – The resolution was adopted unanimously –
  1. Resolution no 3/2010 dated 26.04.2010.
    On acknowledgement of the fulfillment of duties of the Board of Directors of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” for the year 2009
    – Discharge is granted unanimously-.
  1. Resolution No. 4/2010 dated 26.04.2010.
    Resolution on entry fee and annual membership fee
    After a lengthy discussion, the resolution is adopted by a majority of votes
    (there were 24 votes in favor and 1 vote against)
  1. Resolution no 5/2010 dated 26.04.2010
    On the work plan of the Association for 2010
    The resolution was adopted unanimously
  1. Resolution No. 6/2010 from 26.04.2010
    regarding dismissal of Mr. Wojciech Krzyżanowski from the Audit Committee
    – Mr. Wojciech Krzyżanowski is dismissed from the Audit Committee, unanimously adopted
  1. Resolution no 7/2010 dated 26.04.2010r
    on appointing Mrs. Ewa Olejniczak as a member of the Audit Committee
    – the resolution is adopted unanimously-.

Competitions were presented:

  1. For the best tourism product announced by the Polish Tourist Organization
  2. Tourist Ranking of Municipalities, where the idea of the project was presented by Krzysztof Chmielnik, who also presented a proposal for more objective evaluation in the competition.

During the General Assembly there was a discussion started by the Vice President of the Board, Ms. Sylwia Wojtasik from the Marshal’s Office, who informed about the reduction of the contribution of the Marshal’s Office from 120 thousand to 90 thousand. This information caused an uproar among the gathered people. Many new promises, assumptions and proposals were made by the Marshal’s Office, represented by Ms. Sylwa Wojtasik

Request for the record:

  1. One of the proposals of Ms. Sylwia Wojtasik, Director, is the active participation of LOTUR in the processes commissioned for the implementation of the ” Brand Building” project, which is being worked on by an external company on behalf of the Marshal’s Office.
  2. One of the assumptions is to apply to the Marshal’s Office for full-time employment, for the position of President of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization.

Miscellaneous matters

Presentation of a proposal for broadcasting the program by Gorzow Television, Request to respond and react to e-mails from employees to send information to the bulletin.

At the end, P. Beata Musialowska representing PTTK from Zielona Gora spoke.

The General Meeting ended with the Chairman P. Bruno Alexander Kieć thanking the guests for coming and for active participation in the General Meeting.


Anna Dopierała

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