General Meeting of the Reporting and Electoral Meeting of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” for the IV term Zielona Góra 17.05 2018.

17 May 2018

On May 17, 2018, the General Meeting of Members of the Lubuskie Regional Tourist Organization “LOTUR” was held in Zielona Góra, during which, after the presentation of the report on the activities of the Board of Directors of LOTUR for the years 2014-2017 to March 2018 by Ms. Jadwiga Błoch and the report of the Audit Committee by Mr. Karol Kłysz . The General Meeting approved the reports of the outgoing authorities of the fourth term while granting a vote of approval to the outgoing Board, and then proceeded to elect new authorities. Jadwiga BŁOCH was once again bestowed with great confidence and was elected LOTUR PRESIDENT for the new 5th term. Members of the Board of Directors were elected : Monika Kobel-Vice President: Karolina Galazka-Vice President; Bruno Aleksander Kieć-Member of the Board; Marek Maciantowicz-Member of the Board. The Audit Committee composed of Małgorzata Hajdas-Grzesik; Joanna Majorczyk; Karol Kłysz. The General Assembly also passed a Resolution on LOTUR’s accession to the Association of Associations FORUM ROTs.

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