Urban family game in Kostrzyn

05 August 2020

Starting from 01.08.2020, we cordially invite all residents of both Kostrzyn-on-Odra and the region (especially children) to play together. This will be a game developed by the City Hall under the name “Explorer’s Tasks of Kostrzyn-on-Odra”. The game is intended for everyone, however, the most welcome group is children. The aim of the game is to perform 14 tasks in the company of Dwarf Kostek, who, by means of a recited poem, indicates places worth seeing in Kostrzyn-on-Odra. The tasks should be performed according to the instructions on the “Explorer’s Tasks” map. You can either download the map yourself from the web and print it out, or you can get ready-made copies at the Fortress Museum (Tourist Information Point in the Berlin Gate), the City Library, the headquarters of the “Mouth of the Warta River” National Park and the Kostrzyn City Hall during office hours. The Berlin Gate is also where you will find one of the stamps you need to obtain to confirm the completion of task #6. By the way, you can also affix our museum decorative stamp. The last task is a visit to the City Hall. There each explorer who completes all tasks will receive a medal of the explorer of Kostrzyn nad Odr± and prizes: a mug, a backpack and a flashlight. If the tasks are performed by children under 15, then the accompanying guardian will receive a T-shirt. Discovering Kostrzyn is time to start!
